Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Berries, Syrup and Jam... Oh My!

It was picking day, a now 4 year tradition that has morphed into not only a once or twice a season event, but a weekly event as Brittany and I try to fill up our pantries for the winter! We usually head out to a pre-determined farm on Wednesdays, but two weeks ago our chosen day was Thursday. When planning on heading out on another day of the week I thought, "oh, sure, I can do that... I am flexible" HA! Justin Bieber says Never Say Never... but here it is, ladies: Never go picking on CSA day!

Blueberries, Raspberries and Marionberries...

I came home from picking with not one, not two, but three different kinds of berries... three flats full of berries and soon a 15 gallon tub of produce was to show up! Needless to say our little "one bun" kitchen was full, full, full! So, I did what any good house holder would do...

Blueberries straining for blueberry syrup

Blueberries ready for the freezer... yes, those are little ramekins that I use to make a shelf... brilliant, right?

Raspberry jam in the making

Raspberries ready to head into the freezer (I freeze these in single layer on cookie sheets before they head into those little plastic tubs)

Blueberry syrup ready to head into the pantry for pancakes and ice cream topping!
What happened to those Marionberries you ask? Well, a girl can only take so much! The Marionberries waited patiently for me in our extra fridge out in the garage. I thought I would send them straight to the freezer, but the next morning I felt guilty and quickly whipped up a batch of marionberry jam before freezing the remainder of the flat :)

A few things that did not make it into the pictures were a raspberry infused vodka and a marionberry infused vinegar... hopefully those turn out as wonderful as they sound!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Clear Lake

A few weeks ago David and I were able to sneak away for the day and head out to one of our favorite little spots...
Snacks ready for a day of fishing

Yup, that's me in my very own fishing vest!

This sign hangs outside the "resort"

It was so calm when we first arrived... that's what you get when you leave home in the fours!

First catch of the day

Patty-Melt for lunch, of course!

The largest catch of the day... almost 15 inches... must be some kind of record!

Look at all those fish!

Ready to be cleaned...

Once home, Trout Salad Nicoise for dinner

Friday, July 22, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. ~Amanda Soule

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Menu Plan: 7.21- 7.27

Summer time and the time does fly! Since we have seen each other last, I have been to the coast for a weekend with my girls and have been taking a teacher's art class with my wonderful friend Brittany. It has been a busy few days around the cottage and the fact that I am about to go pick up our CSA box for the week reminded me to post this weeks menu plan:

Thursday: Veggie Soup and Cheese Slices (soup in July! What weather we are having!)

Friday: Date Night Out... it's my choice this week, still not sure where we will be heading...

Saturday: B- Soaked Whole Wheat Pancakes and Bacon
                L- maybe walk to our new neighborhood cart to see what it is all about!
                D- Stuffed Summer Squash and Salad

Sunday: B- Fried Eggs
              L- Carrot Soup
              D- Stuffed Cabbage Rolls with ground beef, Turnip Puree and Salad

Monday: Taco Salad

Tuesday: Sausage, Potato & Kale Hash

Wednesday: Salmon Salads

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Home Canned Chicken Stock

I have long been a stock maker. We often have roast chicken for dinner on Sunday nights and I always save all the bones, in the freezer, from any of the meats we eat. In addition to bags of bones, I also always have a bag of vegetable trimmings going in the freezer. Any time I chop an onion or peel a carrot or have extra celery or parsley... into the bag it goes (those are really the only veggies I add, and maybe some garlic peelings, as some vegetables, like cabbage or broccoli, will add an off flavor to your stock).

Once I have enough stock goodies saved up in the freezer I announce a Stock Day. I love Stock Days because I get to stay home all day with the excuse that I must stay near incase my stock needs me!

Early on Stock Day I fill our large stock pot with all the trimmings, about a 1/4 to 1/2 cup of apple cider vinegar and up to the top with water (the vinegar brings out all the gelatin and minerals in the bones). I then bring the whole thing up to a slow boil, reduce to barley a simmer and let it go all day... and I mean all day, like 10- 14 hours!

Once the stock has been on the stove forever, I strain it and let it cool to room temp. I then ladle it into 2 cup freezer containers (that's what comes in a can of chicken stock from the store, so many recipes call for 2 cups of stock). These little containers of stock then get loaded into our big chest freezer out in the garage... but sometimes they can take up a lot of space!

So, imagine my excitement when I found this! A recipe for canning your own stock... I just knew that all my dreams were coming true, I mean, home-canned chicken stock, how cool is that?! And, lucky for me because the Mr. gave me a pressure canner for my birthday last year!
*** you need a pressure canner to can anything non-acidic***

The only issue was that I wanted to use my same old method for stock making that I have always used. Well, any canner out there will tell you with a fierce look in their eye "Oh, but honey, you must always follow the recipe when canning.... those recipes need to be tested!" Well, I didn't want to follow said tested recipe. I mean, good gravy, the point of stock is to use up all those extra bits... not to go out and purchase vegetable to use!

So, what is a girl to do? Well, being the rule following canner that I am, I immediately contacted my local extension office to inquire about such things. She told me the only way to pressure can you own made up stock recipe was to process it for... 75 minutes! AHHH... really, 75 minutes? But in Marisa McClellan's blog post, she says she uses up all the extra bits too!

Well I decided to go with what the extension office lady told me and after 75 minutes of pressure canning I had 7 quarts full of wonderful nutrient rich stock. It now sits in our new canning closet ready to be used for all sorts of delicious meals.

Later I did post a comment on Marisa's blog post asking her what her thoughts on the 75 minutes were... I must say, I like her answer and will most likely process for her suggested time from now on. In addition, I always boil my stock for 10 minutes upon opening just to be on the safe side of home preservation :)

Monday, July 11, 2011

You Say It's Your Birthday...

I have been singing this to D on his birthday for years...

What a wonderful time we had!
Happy Birthday David... Here's to another year!

Friday, July 8, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. ~Amanda Soule

A day at Clear Lake

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Menu Plan: 7.7- 7.13

David had the week off this week, so we were out and about a lot more than usual. Because of our wonderful change in schedule, I didn't have a chance to make a couple of things that I had scheduled last week... so lucky you, you will see them again here!

Thursday 7.7- Burgers with grilled fennel and quinoa salad

Friday 7.8- Date Night! Monday is David's birthday... maybe we will hit the town for a little early birthday celebration :)

Saturday 7.9- Birthday BBQ: Pulled Pork (in the crock pot), Rolls, Slaw, Grain Salad w/ Pesto, Bean Salad, Cowboy Caviar Dip and Chips, Fruit Crisp
*** Each year for David's birthday, he invites some friends over for a bbq and lawn games... last year everyone even stayed the night in the backyard and tradition was born! We look forward to a fun night with friends camping in the backyard***

Sunday 7.10- Egg Casserole (for the overnighters!)
                      Left Overs for dinner

Monday 7.11 "Happy Birthday to D, Happy Birthday to D..."
                       Dinner out with the family

Tuesday 7.12- Grilled T-Bone Steaks, Turnip Gratin, Salad

Wednesday 7.13- ... something using up our extra surplus of veggies from the CSA!

As we head into the dog days of summer, I try to have us grilling, cooking in the morning or dining on things that require little to no cooking... anything to keep this old "one bun kitchen" cool.

I would love to hear from you readers... what kinds of things do you make in the dog days to try to keep cool?

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Shelf that David Built

This is the space that would hold the shelf that David built

 This is the wood, freshly cut and so neat
That would become the shelf that David built

This is the jig; simple and sweet
Used to drill holes on wood, freshly cut and so neat
That would become the shelf that David built

This is the shelf, halfway done I am told...

That turned into this, strong and bold
built with a jig; simple and sweet
Used on the wood, freshly cut and so neat
That became the shelf that David built

This is the man, kind and wise
that had a wife with tears in her eyes
As she looked at the shelf, strong and bold
and imagined all the preserving goodies it'd hold
Built with the jig, simple and sweet
Used on wood, freshly cut and so neat...

... that became the shelf that David built

***Inspiration here***

Friday, July 1, 2011

{this moment}

{this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. ~Amanda Soule

Our favorite card game 3-13... he won, but whose counting?