Monday, October 17, 2011

Remember Ladies...

"always practice safe salsa". These were the words of my trusty OSU extension food preservations teacher at a tomato processing class I recently took! I loved the line and was so excited to get my salsa on! So I did what any canning loving girl would do... I called up my mother and told her it was time to put up or shut up! Luckily for me, she chose the put up and hustled her hiney up to Portland for a Saturday spent at the Cozy Little Cottage.

Upon her arrival I had all the goodies we would need for the day set out and ready to go!

We diced and diced and diced!

We cooked it up a bit, per the recipe's directions

While waiting for the jars to process, my mom partook in one of her favorite past times... copying my recipes! We both giggle at this often, years and years were spent with me as the novice, her as my teacher... what fun it is to switch roles sometimes!

Hmmm... this seems to be the only shot of the finished product. How time flies when you are putting up the harvest!

I pay in platter lunches. This one was accompanied by eggplant caponata as well (to top those little toast squares of course!) Not only do I pay in lunches, but I believe my mother may have made away with a jar of salsa (of course) and a bar of homemade soap!
What a day we had! Saturdays at home are my favorite kind and to be in the kitchen with loved ones, oh, all the better! Here's to wishing you a happy harvest as well!


  1. We did have fun and yes, you are a better cook than your mother ... and I'm so glad. It's always fun to learn new things from your sweet daughter.

  2. Awesome! I love how absolutely out of my element this is...your blog transports me:)

  3. Yummy. Awesome. I love salsa. The lunch looked great too. I'll come and can!
